The last few weeks have been insane! When I got home from Toledo, I got into Charlotte at 10, went straight to work. After working a relatively normal day on Monday, I had my own shoot to do on Tuesday. I drove to Raleigh to shoot a Real Estate assignment. It was pretty stressful because I was 3 hours away with dying batteries and afraid I'd botch the whole thing. I was told that I took too many good photos though! I could definitely make worse mistakes than that! haha!
Wednesday brought another Bank of America Fantasy Baseball camp trip. This time, Peter and I headed off to LA. OR at least we thought we would get there... We got to the Charlotte airport with plenty of time only to be told that storms had shut down the airport. Our connecting flight in St Louis left 30 minutes after we were supposed to land, so naturally we missed that flight. We thought it would be a great idea to get re-routed to Dallas because they had 3 more flights leaving for LA that night so about 2 hours later we were on a plane, in line for take off behind about 6 other planes. Once we got to the front of the line, our pilot got on the intercom and told us that unfortunately we would have to leave the line due to more storms in our path to LA. We had to sit on the plane for about 2 hours. Finally into Dallas around 10 (11 our time) we realized all flights to LA had left. After getting some advice from people who worked at the airport, we got our new boarding passes and headed out of the airport in search of food (all the places inside the airport had closed...) About 2 hours after that, we got back to the airport with our stomachs full and ready to find a place to sleep in the airport until our 6:40 AM flight. Little did we know that the airport closed at 9:45 and nobody was allowed in. Below, you'll find a picture of me... a sad me... sitting on a hard chair in the baggage claim area of the Dallas Fort Worth airport where I had to try to sleep for 5 hours.
I'm not happy! Finally got to LA around 9 the next morning. Found the hotel (45 mins away) and managed to get a few hours of rest before we had to head out in search of food and then find the stadium for work.
After lunch, we found these fighting pandas. WOrthy of a photo? Oh yes.
This is the LA Angels stadium. Those giant baseball caps were pretty sweet, you could walk right up underneath them.
This is the inside of the stadium, from where I was seated printing up the pictures. Well that night we walked around the area our hotel was in and found an outdoor mall that was halfway completed. There, we found PF CHangs aka amazingness. All was well with me and I knew that in 24 hours I would be with my family getting ready for the beach!
Here's some pictures from the beach:
Ok, in the middle of the week at the beach, I had to go back to Charlotte and then fly to Boston for another Bank of America trip with Peter. Short summary: this time our flights weren't too bad. We met up with Bekah in Boston and she drove us to find some food. The next day, we went to Fenway Park. I got to walk on the field which to some of the clients almost brought tears to their eyes (when they walked on it, not when I did... hehe) I also met Bob Montgomery (I think it was Bob) and Jim Rice. THey were both very friendly and I got to talk to them a bit too. Very cool. Here's some photos:
Back in Charlotte, ANdy and Breena stayed an extra night. We walked around UPtown for a while after getting dinner at Brixx. I showed them around as best as I could, and we took the light rail. Here's Breena and I acting goofy with our tickets waiting for the train.
That's all for now, I'm exhausted!!! Whew!
If you would like to see the rest of the beach pictures, check out these 3 links:
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