Taking a walk in a park I don't normally go to with people I don't normally take walks with. I had conversations I wouldn't have expected and got open blisters on my feet from my newest loved flip flops.

I sat by myself on my old Mexican blanket (sans swine flu) in the grass on the sunniest day of 2009 so far (Saturday) with my essentials: iPod with newest music purchases and favorite-est old music, newest loved flip flops, and reading material (currently a photoshop mag).

I enjoyed the creative pursuits of the "BFFs" (a term affectionately applied to my parents' most common hang out pals) in their fruit art endeavors. I spent the weekend in and out of a conference at church, taking portraits of the attendees...

Including this guy, who could balance 4 chairs on his chin.
I'm in the beginning phases of putting together an art show. This is incredibly exciting for me because it's becoming reality. I got approval for the show and just need to plan it now. Any ideas? Any blog readers done this before? Tips and suggestions welcome and encouraged!
I'm in the beginning phases of putting together an art show. This is incredibly exciting for me because it's becoming reality. I got approval for the show and just need to plan it now. Any ideas? Any blog readers done this before? Tips and suggestions welcome and encouraged!
1 comment:
oh, cheers to that guy who can balance 4 chairs on his chin... so you'll doing an art show... that's great... congratulations!!! tips? suggestions? i don't think you needed it... co'z you're already terrific... anyhow, just be real... do it with passion and with all your heart...i enjoyed reading and exploring on your blog... goodluck to you...!!!:)
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