Well, I've just recently gotten home from a crazy less than 24 hour trip to Miami. This weekend was more interesting than I anticipated. I'll tell you all about it - but first a picture from awhile back...

This is from a visit from Eric. We were just finished with a delicious dinner at PF Changs and about to go see Chronicles of Narnia. This was a great night!
So Sunday began with me checking out a church. I talked to that lady I had mentioned earlier (the one I met at the pool while working with Sean) and she told me the information - and I ended up meeting her and her family in the parking lot. So, upon first impression I found the church to be very different from what I'm used to and very, well, uncomfortable. I won't go into details here but basically later that day after talking with Peter (one of the people I work with and the person I went to Miami with) I found out it quite possibly was a cult. Yikes. After thinking about some of the things I found odd, I can see why people say that about this church. But Peter told me about this church he and his wife go to occasionally and it sounds pretty cool. I'm going to check it out I think. It's an Evangelical Presbyterian church - and it's mostly people under 30. So I'll fill you in on that if I go check it out.
Ok so now onto the rest of the day. Around 2 oclock Peter picked me up and we headed to the airport. We got on a plane to Miami, Florida and after a VERY bumpy ride we landed... only to sit in the airplane in a thunderstorm for the next hour and a half. uGHHHhhh! PLUS there was this creepy man sitting next to me who kept leaning into me and randomly humming. My personal space was being extremely violated and I was not happy about that. We eventually got off the plane and waited at baggage claim, waited at the shuttle stop, waited at the rental car place, and finally got somewhere when the rental car place guy said,
"Do you mind if we upgrade you to something bigger at the same cost?"
We said "Sure!" Hoping for something sweet like ... well... i dunno what we were hoping for. But... We get to parking spot 307 and there is a Mercury Grand Marquis (and I'm not sure if I spelled that right) So by bigger, the guy must've meant longer and more boat-like. After laughing at that and making a few jokes, we jumped in our cop-car and took off... for another 45 minute car ride to the far far far away hotel. By the time we reached the hotel it is 9:45 and by the time we find a restaurant it's 10. And by the time we stuff our faces with food (I was so hungry I was starting to not be hungry anymore... you know the feeling?) it's practically 11. We go our separate ways and I go into my hotel room to watch tv and wait for Eric's call. Eric is at DTS this week so I only get to talk to him after 11:30 or so. YUCK but I'll take it I suppose.
So I bet you're wondering, why are you in Miami Rachel? I'm getting there. The next morning, I meet Peter down at the free breakfast at 7:30 and we take off for the Miami Dolphins/Florida Marlins baseball stadium at quarter till 8. Sean Busher Photography signed on to do this Bank of America Fantasy Baseball thing last summer and decided to do it all again this summer. Basically, they travel around to different cities/stadiums and take pictures of Bank of America's biggest clients with current or alumni baseball players from that team.
After finally finding where the BoA people are in this huge stadium, we start setting up my work station (a laptop, 3 printers, a powerstrip/potential fire hazard, and a card reader) and realize we don't have any photo paper! Using Peter's GPS on his (low battery) phone, I maneuver the rental car (I know, I know, I wasn't supposed to but we were stuck!!!) to Office Depot, buy 2 packs of 5x7 photo paper, maneuver the boat back to the stadium and find Peter taking the pictures of the alumni players with the BoA clients. Then after the pictures are taken, Peter hands me the card and it's my turn to work frantically while Peter continues to take candid shots of the richest people in Miami playing baseball/taking tips on how to pitch/swing/etc from the Marlins players. So I get lost trying to find the banquet room we were set up in and almost get locked out of the stadium in this fenced in area. I manage to yank the door open and eventually find my way upstairs and start adjusting the exposure, putting a cheesy BoA/Marlins logo frame on the images and then printing out all 41 of them. I have to make sure each image prints correctly and also change an ink cartridge on the way. Then I wait for Peter to be done, we get the all clear from the BoA people and off we go to the rental car place using Peter's GPS phone which dies about a mile away from Thrifty. We manage to find it then catch a shuttle to the airport. After another very very very bumpy airplane ride, we land in Charlotte, get stuck in traffic, and finally get home. That's my whirlwind trip to Miami in a nut shell, and here's some pictures:

A sign for I-75 all the way down in Miami? Sigh, I could've been home in like 20some hours!

The entrance to the stadium.

The Florida Marlins/Miami Dolphins stadium. If you look at the random screen near 1st base with the black figure behind it, that's Peter. It must've been 100% humidity and 100 degrees, and Peter chose a long sleeve black shirt with black pants. Everyone kept saying how miserable he must be.

And here's me being cheesy. I guess in the coming months I will see the Oakland A's, the LA Angels, the Boston Red Sox, and maybe a few others. Be jealous, very jealous haha... Too bad Bank of America doesn't have affiliations with the Detroit Tigers... or I'd be super excited!!!
I'm gonna go lay out by the pool now on my day off!! yay!