Today was an eventful day, that is for sure... It started off normal enough but quickly became an adventure. Sean and Peter came up with a new project to work on and we decided to shoot it today, so off we went to Walmart to pick up some supplies.
Purchased: 1 pair of adult goggles, 1 pair of child goggles, arm floaties, inner tube with rhino head, regular inner tube, snorkel and goggles, and 2 subway subs (for Peter and I)
We then headed over to the neighborhood pool that Sean grew up going to. Somehow, Sean turned a possibly creepy situation (hi, we would like to come into the pool and photograph children underwater) into free admission and the blessing of the member coordinator. Then after talking to some parents, Sean used this absolutely sweet camera with an even sweeter underwater case to shoot some kids under water. It was awesome.
While Sean was shooting, I sat with the 2 moms we talked into using their kids. We talked about how I just moved to Charlotte recently and where I was from, etc. Then one of the moms whose name is Katherine mentioned something about church so I asked what kind of church she went to (which was a suprise to me, as I had no idea that was going to come out of my mouth) and surprisingly, amazingly, she said she goes to a non-denominational church. After I explained that I had been looking for a church and went to a non-denom church in Toledo, she invited me to come and gave me her cell phone number! What a God-thing. I was pretty amazed.
On with the day. So after over an hour of sitting in 95-100 degree heat, Sean, Peter and I headed back to the office. Next, my turn. I had my very own photo shoot today. I'm going to keep this top secret until the image is done and up on the site so you all can be surprised. It's going to be hilarious!
So it's finally starting to hit me that I'm actually graduating college! I looked up flights today and they aren't TOO terribly expensive so I think that's the route I'm going to take to get home for the big day (graduation day!!!) I'm looking to come home Thursday afternoon/evening (Aug 7) and leave Monday afternoon/evening, leaving me with at least 3 full days at home. Yay! Mom says I can have a little barbecue/party thing after graduation, so I'm pretty excited about that. We all know that any event with Jean Holt's name on it is going to be a GREAT event!
That's the update... I didn't get home until pretty late tonight and I have to be back at 8:30 tomorrow so I'm pretty pooped. Leave me comments so I know you're out there!!!
Missin Toledo,
a few of my favorite things
5 hours ago
Oh I miss you! Sounds like you are having fun!!! Can't wait to see you in less than a month!! whooo hooo! I love reading your blog now! Mwah!!! Love ya sista!
I'm eager to see the product of your newly-learned skills. Mama Jean says you're learning a ton of neat stuff, guess it beats song slides at Grace! We miss you round these parts, have fun at the mega-church.
I'm eager to see the product of your newly-learned skills. Mama Jean says you're learning a ton of neat stuff, guess it beats song slides at Grace! We miss you round these parts, have fun at the mega-church.
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