It's approaching 5 oclock on Friday which is fantastic because that means it's the weekend! THere's still something stuck underneath my AAAAAA key so everytime i type Aaaaaaaa it makes a snapping noise and I hate it. I wish it would just get stuck underneath the q key because nobody ever uses the q key...very often.
Today while at work while on down time I was browsing the internet via This is a very cool toolbar/site that you input areas of interest, click a button, and a random site loads up for your entertainment. Here's some interesting things I "stumbled" upon today (in ascending order):
1. - for 11 years not a single movie has topped Titanic in the box office. The closest to it is one of the LOTR movies (2003) but still below Titanic by about 700mill. InSANE!!
2. - unusual hotels of the world, including a revolving hotel on the Mediterranean and a dog shaped hotel in Idaho. Take a look, it's very cool.
3. - self explanatory, bible map searchable by book and chapter. Very cool... A little slow to upload but still cool.
4. - my most valued find of the day. How did I not know about this site!?!? It's an amazing music radio site that can find music similar to a band you input. For example, I put in Anberlin and they gave me an "Anberlin radio" complete with Anberlin and bands like them! Wow! haha I'm amused.
5. - another cool music radio site. Not as easy to choose certain bands as Pandora, but still ... very awesome.
Anyway, yesterday I had a fantastic day. I can't really tell you why it was so great, it just was. Here's a few reasons however (in descending order):
5. Donatos Pizza for lunch. Angi got me hooked on this pizza/sub place just down the street. I try not to eat here too often as Pizza is not good for my waist line (hehe) but I treated myself to Donatos and it was oh so tasty.
4. Fun office camaraderie. Angi Peter and I spent most of the day joking around and laughing. This always makes for a fun time.
3. A nice sunny day, not too hot and not too humid. Fantastic!
2. Dinner with Deanna Soviar. A blast from the past and a friendly face down here in the carolinas. I went to SC to Deanna's school/town and got to see the area and we went to eat at the restaurant she works at. It was fun!
1. Driving home from Rock Hill, windows down, cool breeze, music pumping, and a lightnight storm up ahead. This drive home was just what I needed - relaxing, fun, and well... fantastic!
This weekend I have a few things going on which should be fun. I'm looking forward to coming home next week!!! I already have lots I hope to do and plenty of people to see. Hooooooray!!
a few of my favorite things
6 hours ago
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